Unmatched Enterprise-Grade Attention Monitoring Solution powered by AI Vision.
Powerful AI-based always-on facial and gaze tracking to measure your remote audience's attention levels at all times.
Track down behavioral patterns of your audiences and get real-time status. Detect when a member of the audience is distracted or bored.
Get a precise understanding of your audience's attention levels and get faster, smarter insights on how they are reacting to your content.
VisionX's AI solution is able to detect photos and masks, so you can be sure that your audience is genuinely paying attention without any impersonation or presentation attacks.
Yottaasys brings you the next generation of AI-powered attention tracking and real-time monitoring solutions, offering you a comprehensive and accurate understanding of what's happening in the screens and minds of your audiences.
AI powered vision intelligence ensures no smartphones or cameras are pointed at the screen without you knowing about it.
VisionX constantly monitors and reports device usage and let you know if someone unwanted is 'filling in' for your audience or if multiple faces are detected.
Malicious users are smart, but we're one step ahead always! Our technology immediately detects and flags off someone using a photograph to bypass security.
Looking to automate physical access for your enterprise? Then look no further.
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