Process optimization with AI Vision

Meet your new sidekick. The powerful tool that helps you create something special.

Unmatched Quality Control
with powerful AI Vision

VisionX is a powerful AI-vision solution that can optimize your production processes by automating quality check, measuring ingredient usage, and counting items to ensure accuracy.

Your New QC Assistant

VisionX's deep learning models help you identify defects and errors in your processes. It also tracks production data and provides actionable insights to optimize quality and keep your costs low.

Goodbye Human Error

With VisionX's unmatched accuracy rates of over 98.7%, you no longer need humans to manually inspect your products and processes - VisionX will do it for you!

Flexibility Meets Accuracy

VisionX can easily be customized for your business-specific use cases. If you're a restauranteur working with cooking ingredients or a component manufacturer working within low tolerance levels, we have you covered.

How does it work?

Yottaasys brings you the next generation of AI-powered compliance tracking and real-time reporting, offering you a comprehensive and accurate understanding of what's happening in the screens and minds of your employees while they are at work.

No Special Hardware

VisionX works with low-cost off-the-shelf cameras and deploys powerful analysis in the cloud, in real time. This makes VisionX an accessible solution.

Facial Recognition

VisionX also brings accurate facial recognition, ensuring you can monitor both staff and processes with one comprehensive solution.

Unmatched Accuracy

With a 98.7% vision accuracy, VisionX trumps most human-levels of detection, making it the ideal process optimization tool for businesses of all sizes.

Explore our Robust Tech Stack

Find out what goes into making the perfect AI-powered Business Security solution.

Empowering business processes and augmenting human senses with AI vision.
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Expand your understanding of the human mind with AI-powered emotion mapping.
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Go beyond speech-to-text and understand what is being said between the lines.
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